Wednesday, May 12, 2010



The Justification Study identified the need for an amendment, provided that the impact on users would be limited and that changes would only be introduced when there were clear benefits to users.

The key focuses of the ISO 9001:2008 amendment were to enhance the clarity of ISO 9001:2000 and to enhance its compatibility with ISO 14001:2004.

A tool for assessing the impacts versus benefits for proposed changes was created to assist the drafters of the amendment in deciding which changes should be included, and to assist in the verification of drafts against the identified user needs. The following decision making principles were applied:

1) No changes with high impact would be incorporated into the standard;

2) Changes with medium impact would only be incorporated when they provided a correspondingly medium or high benefit to users of the standard;

3) Even where a change was low impact, it had to be justified by the benefits it delivered to users, before being incorporated.

The changes incorporated in this ISO 9001:2008 edition were classified in terms of impact into the following categories:

1. No Changes or minimum changes on user documents, including records.

2. No changes or minimum changes to existing processes of the organization.

3. No additional training required or minimal training required.

4. No effectes on current certifications.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this comprehensive post about the implementation guidance for ISO certification 9001:2008. I'll be sharing this with my friend, whose company is applying for an ISO registration this year. Again, thanks and more power!
